What is skybox.sh?

skybox.sh is my personal online space where I can freely express myself, share thoughts and showcase my work without limitations or censorship. It is a platform I developed to cultivate my digital identity and reduce my reliance on major social media platforms.

What does skybox.sh mean?

skybox.sh is a play on words, combining the typical file extension for a shell script, ‘.sh’, with the term ‘skybox’, which is commonly used as an asset in video game development. However, in this context, it could be interpreted as a reference to the website being a server in the sky.

What does skybox.sh do?

skybox.sh takes on multiple purposes. First and foremost, it will serve privacy respecting services such as the Searx meta-search engine. It additionally serves as a platform where I can share my knowledge and experience with those interested in similar topics such as: digital sovereignty, information security, and systems administration. Lastly, skybox.sh serves as a guarantee to my online presence.

In the near future, I plan on hosting a rolling-release styled artwork and music archive.

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By snoweffect, 2023-01-25